Average Rating: 5.4 (26 vote)
Description: In this game you will be in a sanctuary with our legends, kid and young lady fire water and should help them out securely. It is very troublesome on the grounds that the street is loaded with pitfalls and in the event that they fall into you will lose an existence and you need to begin playing from the earliest starting point. The most exceedingly bad is the point at which you come up short on lives since you need to begin the entire game from the earliest starting point. In this game you require an accomplice since it is an game for two players, which implies that a player will control it with bolts Fire kid and the other player will control a water front with the keys w, a, s, d . In this game every player needs to gather the precious stones that match the shade of the character you control. Just on the off chance that you include every one of the precious stones you can move to the following level. As you advance into larger amounts will be progressively harder to effectively accomplish your objective, so you need to work a great deal.