
3D Kartz Game Car Games Play Free Online Car, Bike, Racing Games



3D Kartz Games

3D Kartz


Description: This is a great card racing game, that is designed in 3D. Click on play, that appears on the screen in front of you. In this game, there are 5 different roads, that are more beautiful from each other. But you can mot unlock these roads without getting a good score. When you start the game, you have to keep your fuel and energy for 60 seconds, otherwise the game is over. Collect the letters F to fill the tank of fuel. Your energy runs out, when you hit any obstacle on road. Collect the letters S to fill energy. You have to reach 700 points by standing on the area of the charge meter to skip to the next levels. Manage your car by using the mouse. Enjoyable games to everyone.

Car Games

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