
Christmas Bmx Game Bike Games Play Free Online Car, Bike, Racing Games



Christmas Bmx Games

Christmas Bmx


Description: Santa Claus brings the gifts by his deer-shaped bike. This game has two different modes. The first is championship and you have to get points as high as possible. The second is to race against time, and you have to arrive the finish line in 1 minute. You can manage the bike of Santa Claus by using the arrow keys. While you are flying in the air, you can do some tricks by using the numbers from 1 to 9, on the keyboard. Happy new years to everyone.

Bike Games

Rex Stunts Game5.7Rex StuntsKayak Attack Game5.2Kayak AttackBen10 Ice Skates Game4.5Ben10 Ice SkatesBmx Stunts 2 Game5.6Bmx Stunts 2Ghost Attack Scooby Doo Game5.6Ghost Attack Scooby DooRoad Trip Rampage Game6.3Road Trip RampageModern Moto Racers Game5.9Modern Moto RacersZombie Atv Game5.7Zombie AtvNewspaper Boy 2 Game5.5Newspaper Boy 2Money Motor Game5.9Money MotorBox10 Atv 4 Game5.7Box10 Atv 4Kungfu Panda Racing Challenge Game5.9Kungfu Panda Racing Challenge16 Bit Bike Game5.616 Bit BikeUltimate Biker Challenge Game6.4Ultimate Biker Challenge
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