
First Aid Parking 游戏 玩免费的在线汽车,自行车,赛车游戏



First Aid Parking 游戏

First Aid Parking


描述: Get ready to carry health packages by military jeep. At this game, drive the military jeep to the area, that is shown with the arrow mark, then park it on the marked area. Then wait the cargo plane to put the health package. Take this package, that the cargo plane put, drive the military jeep by following the arrow mark. You have to deliver the package within the given time. You can get the best score by delivering the package as soon as possible and collecting the gold coins. Note not to hit the jeep anywhere and not to pass on the mines. You can manage the jeep by using the Arrow keys or W, A, S, D keys. Good games to everyone.


汽車承運人拖車 2 Game6.7汽車承運人拖車 2超級碗代客停車 Game6.3超級碗代客停車滾燙的岩漿停車 Game6.9滾燙的岩漿停車卡車停車 Game6.4卡車停車員警范停車 Game5.6員警范停車海綿寶寶停車場 2 Game5.6海綿寶寶停車場 2冬季停車混亂 Game5.8冬季停車混亂雪肌肉停車 Game4.5雪肌肉停車V8 臨停車 Game5.1V8 臨停車在引擎蓋停車 Game6.0在引擎蓋停車在樣式中的停車 Game6.6在樣式中的停車像一位老闆停車 Game5.1像一位老闆停車拉斯維加斯午夜停車 Game5.8拉斯維加斯午夜停車雙層倫敦停車 Game6.3雙層倫敦停車
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