
Good Daddy 2 游戏 玩免费的在线汽车,自行车,赛车游戏



Good Daddy 2 游戏

Good Daddy 2


描述: At this game, you can prove better the difficulty of being a good father. A father, who sends his child to school, is trying to protect his child from the dangers at the dangerous streets. Manage the father and create a trench in hazardous areas, then provide the child to pass through the dangerous areas safely. You can get more points by collecting the stars in the section. Use the Right and Left Arrow keys and A, D keys to move the father right and left, use 1, 2, 3 keys to change the shape of the father. Good games.


自然選擇 Game6.8自然選擇好爸爸 Game5.8好爸爸蝸牛鮑勃 5 的愛情故事 Game5.1蝸牛鮑勃 5 的愛情故事智慧 Dicer Game5.5智慧 DicerTnt 僵屍阿森納 Game6.8Tnt 僵屍阿森納憤怒的格蘭折騰 Game5.9憤怒的格蘭折騰沉睡的穴居人 Game4.7沉睡的穴居人這就是我的月亮 Game6.4這就是我的月亮需要水 Game5.9需要水乳酪穀倉 Game6.0乳酪穀倉布娃娃成就 2 Game6.5布娃娃成就 2紅色的轉輪 Game5.2紅色的轉輪牙科手術 Game7.5牙科手術掠奪火星 Game5.5掠奪火星
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